When you are going to buy a StudioDesk product, be aware you're buying the best you can find in the market. Everything is top notch. I whant to share with you just a piece of information: the desk weight was 170 kg when shipped. You need some help to mount it, as it is huge and HEAVY. Materials are SUPER. The design, the lights, the accessories, make it simply the best ever.
Why I gave four stars instead of five? Whell, from such a thing like this (the price is justified for the top quality brand - no excuse guys, quality costs), you expected well done assembly instructions. And actually they are there, in this web site with also many video. But be aware, you're going to find updates video (models with time changed) in different sessions. Just to be stright to the point: I discovered that the pullout keyboard must be installed before, but this piece of information is in a separate video, that I discovered when my desk was already mounted. I managed, of course, but this made me crazy to overcome the mistake. A company like this, can edit the main video and replace the old one with this information at once in the same video.
StudioDesk deserves five stars, this is just a hope, for the future customers, not to find themselves in a similar situation.
I show you my studio BEFORE AND AFTER - There is a contest on the way... ;)
Keep up the good work, and create magic